Cultivating classrooms where every child is seen, valued, and accepted

Free implementation guide

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What we do

Cohesive Classrooms is a series of comprehensive modules focused on creating collaborative communities, that center on: student voice, connections, social emotional learning, and fostering equitable and respectful environments. We focus on how to build structure, predictability and communities in classroom contexts, paired with live coaching opportunities to support implementation. We created this series to support school staff in restoring and rebuilding relationships in the Covid-19 era. The unique challenges that we have encountered necessitate a proactive, instructive and responsive approach to classroom management that takes into account all facets of our students.

Our approach


We take a proactive approach in creating collaborative communities by implementing protocols that create structure and predictability and help students feel empowered and connected to adults and peers. This fosters equitable and respectful learning environments that increase feelings of safety and belonging.


We take an instructive approach by teaching students specific skills and scaffolds to help increase their agency and ability to self-regulate their own behaviors and feel successful.


We take an responsive approach when we communicate and respond to students in ways which are mindful and respectful of who the student is personally, socially, academically, behaviorally, and linguistically to ensure we are providing the appropriate supports as needed.

Cohesive Classrooms is...

A series of five comprehensive modules, focused on creating collaborative communities, that center on: student voice, connections, social emotional learning, and fostering equitable and respectful environments.


Building Social Relationships
Educator whole class relationships


Student Engagement
Getting student attention and maintainng engagement


Rules, Routines & Procedures
Strategies for teaching rules, routines & procedures


Community Circles
Building blocks for conducting classroom meetings


Behavior Differentiation
Tier 1 behavior differentiation

Find out more

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